[CQ-Contest] Masterdat and comments

Oliver Huber oe5oho at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 23 09:44:18 EDT 2000

hello reader...

i totally(!) agree with those who mentioned something like "hey, you
rather should listen to what´s sent to you than trying to pick calls
from a database"... a 100percent!!

i am only worried cause it´s my call and the common H versus S problem!

that´s all folks... and sorry Jim (AD1C), i didn´t mean to imply you of
doing your work incorrectly or simply wrong. seems like a few saw it
that way?

thanks Jim for your work!!!! it´s a great plus for the programs
having your databases.

73 Oliver.

PS: wanna know how one can change a wrong call in masterdat-files?
just simply stop being active in contests!!!!!
think about it ;-)  *grin*

      ... One of the BCC ...
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