[CQ-Contest] Speaking about power violations

Valeri Stefanov wally at el-soft.com
Thu Oct 26 16:16:17 EDT 2000

Following the thread about power violations one might be very
interested = to take a look at the results of last year CQWW CW 1999.
In 160 m Low Power SOSB Category we have a station which finished
first in the world with 94 822 pts. This station comes from EU and =
second European station in this category has 18 550 pts. The next EU
stations = in this=20 category have close result to the second runner,
but still 5 - 6 times = less than the "winner". This "winner" must
have been operating with some very very big antennas ???? So, I could
hardly believe a low power was used=20 to achieve a score of over 94 K
on top band from Europe.  =20 See you all from LZ5Z ( M/S) after 48
hours.  =20 de Wally LZ2CJ

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