[CQ-Contest] New contesing related reflector

Andrew J. O'Brien obrienaj at netsync.net
Tue Oct 31 16:30:03 EST 2000

Just want to let you know that we have started a new contesting related
reflector at


This is am email discussion group for discussion of amateur radio
contesting.   The focus of the group will be to exchange info on up-coming
contests, discuss rules, software applications for contesting, operating
tips, contest scores/results , and anything else relating to contesting.
All hams are welcome, it is not a place for just the high-powered contester,
we hope to encourage those new to contesting plus those that are veterans.


CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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