[CQ-Contest] Penalties for 0-Point QSOs in CQWW??

Richard J. Norton ae327 at lafn.org
Mon Sep 4 12:22:48 EDT 2000

A recent posting asked:

>after checking my UBN-Report, I wonder to get penalty for a qso with
>own country wich normaly counts 0 points.
>2165 -B dj8ud(3)  dj8uv(706)wn dj8/dj8uv(2)wn dl8ud(1133)h dj7ud(19)
>So I wonder why this could happen?

This happened because the contact that you claimed with DJ8UD/P
matched up with a claim of a contact with you by DJ8UV/P, and DJ8UV/P
was not in your log. The software decided that it was very likely that
your claimed contact with DJ8UD/P was logged incorrectly, and judged
the claimed QSO to be "Bad."

>Have we move in future all
>own country QSOs wich are no multiplier from the log, to be at last
>better without the QSO and without possible penalties?

Your score was penalized 4 times the claimed QSO-points, or (4x0) = 0
points. If DJ8UG/P had been the only claimed QSO for either Germany or
zone 14, you would have lost multiplier credit also. Since other
German stations were worked, there was no multiplier impact.

Contest participants understand that stations receive multiplier
credit, but no QSO-point credit for working a station in their own
country. Almost all are willing to occasionally take a few seconds of
time needed to give a fellow countryman a multiplier contact.

Those participants who needed the multiplier, and those who volunteer
their time to check logs would greatly appreciate it if stations would
continue to log all contacts that they make, and log them correctly.

Thank you.


Dick Norton, N6AA

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