[CQ-Contest] Penalties for 0-Point QSOs in CQWW??

v31jp at logical123.net v31jp at logical123.net
Mon Sep 4 22:53:47 EDT 2000


I know of what you speak. Last year, I received penalty points for
working DX stations, which, from Belize, were logged as zero point
QSOs. Now, why should I get minus points for a zero point QSO?
This year, I spent a bit of time removing these QSOs from my log.
>From now on, in the ARRL DX contest, when I am outside of the US,
my rule, regarding callers outside of the US and Canada, will be
"NO WAY, NEVER!" during the ARRL DX Test! But, this needs to be
corrected in the log checking software. Penalty points for zero
point QSOs is not right.

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