[CQ-Contest] packet cheaters caught?

DougKR2Q at aol.com DougKR2Q at aol.com
Wed Sep 6 16:51:14 EDT 2000

One cannot assume that because there are "hits" (say, within 15 minutes) between an entrants log and local packet-cluster (tm) callouts, that the entrant is cheating by using packet.

Basic research done several years ago showed an entrant who was known  (100%) to not be using packet could still have a hit rate with packet cluster callouts of over 25% (for new mults).

That having been said, there are other methods, used very successfully, to "catch" packet cheaters.  Clearly, I don't plan on making them public.  :-)

One of the problems with trying to "link" callouts to log entries is that there are so many callouts on packet that it is very tough NOT to have a hit in your log.  Seems like some folks spot everything all the time.

de Doug KR2Q

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