[CQ-Contest] Re: penalty

Gilmer, Mike mgilmer at gnlp.com
Thu Sep 7 13:59:39 EDT 2000

	<<...very high
> penalties will cause people to "overinvest" or become obsessive about
> controlling errors.>>
Of course, this is possible, but much of radiosport is about striking a
balance.  How long to tolerate a crummy run rate before you tune for
mults...  How long to sit in a pileup for that rare one... And the matter at
hand: How long to attempt to fix a (suspected) broken call.

There is nothing new about this; surely some ops have historically taken
more time than others trying to verify an unsure callsign.  Others
historically may have just guessed.  Now the guessers will lose.

If an op overinvests due to a fear of penalties, I take that to mean he
hasn't figured out the balance: when to give up on an unsure QSO.


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