[CQ-Contest] Probability of getting bad calls

Gilmer, Mike mgilmer at gnlp.com
Thu Sep 7 16:55:06 EDT 2000

	<<For the same performance each year, your score that year will be
lower than
	<<the year before until we get to that 100% probability.

I don't believe this, not for a minute.  As KR2Q pointed out, almost all of
the records have been set in the past few years - this in spite of the log
checking.  Any reductions were greatly overwhelmed (and masked) by better
equipment and more and (dare I say)better ops.

Also, year upon year, ops will reduce the number of busted QSOs as they
learn from their past years' mistakes.

Of course, soon our scores WILL be lower and lower, but we can blame the
eleven-year sunspot cycle, not the log checkers.


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