[CQ-Contest] KL7RA answers N2AA

KL7RA Fairbanks, Alaska kl7ra at ptialaska.net
Sat Sep 9 12:39:31 EDT 2000

Yo Gene.

Great comments, but I never liked transceivers as they made my
beautiful (used) S-line look foolish. I would like to report I was
the last to "switch".

The penalty rule is a bad rule now. It was good at one time but 
no longer as it was made obsolete by technology. Really has little to
do with "guessing", "nils" or any other argument posted here. 

Here's why: Two gamers of similar skill finish the competition and
one chooses to use record and review and the other does not. 
You are in a pickle, boss. What to do? What to do? The truth
is Gene you can do nothing because it's impossible to tell as you
have a rule that will reward the cheater, penalize the fair player
with no (read zero, zip) means of detection. It's even a worse
rule then the normally bad unenforceable rule.  

But I have a cunning plan.

Delete the rule. Begrudgingly say it's all right to record and review
if someone feels it necessary for their log and might as well okay
Super Check Partial and all the other software weapons. Now
just about everybody is happy. The order of the top scores will
not change as they are above all this anyway. Dick will be happy
as the logs may get even better.  The downside is record and
review folks will lose their edge if they ever had one. Someday
this plan will happen anyway, times on my side. 

The joke is I really don't have a dog in this fight. My scores are
down there with the black holers sucking wind (and dust) from
the rest of the pack in the distance. About all I care about is to 
get the hell out of the way when Jeff and Dan blow past me (again).

And to the fellow who asked me to name one person that uses 
record and review-  What do I look like Sherlock the Holmes?
I don't even smoke a pipe. Cool hat though. Where can a fellow
get a hat like that? I would turn it 90 degrees and bend it down to 
keep my ears warm while I work on the new ten meter stack

73 Rich  KL7RA

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