[CQ-Contest] Another ignored contest skill

LU-CONTESTERS lw9euj at ciudad.com.ar
Wed Sep 13 14:00:42 EDT 2000

Hy Syl:
I agree with you. But let me tell you that the guys who cheat using more out
put power than permited usually don't win. Contest are more competitive
every day, and I guess tht the winning ops. of nowadays win primarily
because of their skills.
Sadly, there are practically no contests where the playing field is
perfectly leveled. An exception might be WRTC. The rules of our competitions
allows the presence of cheaters, but we are reaching the point where skills
will be the key factor in winning a contest.
Just as an example: Think of some one trying to best EA8BH's 1999 world mark
in the CQ WW DX SSB soab class. If the guy/gal in question thinks that using
10 KW will do the job, he's a silly boy. The determinating factor in
achieving such a great succes has been the operator's skill in first place,
strategy in second place, station location third, and station design fourth,
I hope to see many more contests featuring the QSY rule. What a leveler
we've got here. No cheatting with packet is possible, excessive power will
be a real waste of bucks, etc.
I bet CQ, the ARRL, and other major contests sponsors  have the power to
organize a world wide activity of this type. Let's work it out.
Martin, LW9EUJ

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