[CQ-Contest] Sprint - sitting on a freq. giving out points

George Fremin III - K5TR geoiii at loja.kkn.net
Mon Sep 18 16:45:24 EDT 2000

On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 02:56:24PM -0700, Tom K Osborne wrote:

> That's one thing I've been wondering about.  I made a couple of mistakes
> in the Sprint last night and don't know if I made a Q or not.  I couldn't
> get a verification because the station left too quick. 

Based on what you describe above you should not log the QSO.

> If I delete it,
> and it's good, the other station will get a penalty. 

If you are unsure if a QSO occured and you were not able to
get the ohter station to repeat it then or later in the 
contest then you should not log the QSO since you do not 
think it took place.

 If I leave it in
> and it's wrong. we both get a penalty.  

If you leave the QSO in your log but he QSO never occured - and 
was not logged by the other station only you will lose the points.

I didn't have that many Q's I
> thought of sending in a check log.  If I send in a checklog and there's
> mistakes in it does the other station get penalized. 

Sending it in as a checklog is one option but your log will
get thrown in tot he chekcing process (usually) so you might as 
well send it in as an entry.

 Seems the best
> solution would be just don't send the log in.  

You could do that - but I think sending in a log is a good idea.
(even though I seem to forget to do it myself way too often.)


George Fremin III                 
Johnson City, Texas             "Experiment trumps theory." 
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)                            -- Dave Leeson W6NL
geoiii at kkn.net                             

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