[CQ-Contest] SO band change rules in WW?

Zoli Pitman HA1AG ha1ag at compuserve.com
Tue Sep 19 17:48:46 EDT 2000

Hi guys,

After M/M-ing in WWDX for a while I'm looking at SO for this year. I'm
trying to interpret the CQ-WW rules and I got confused.

As read on cqww.com the Single Op can change band whenever he/she wants. No
limit was given for the frequency of band changes or for the time duration
to be spent on a band before a non-mult can be worked on other bands.

Do I interpret the rules correctly if I understand that a SO can change
bands even in every minute even for non-mult QSOs ? Or is there something
implicitly described what I missed ?

Thanks, 73 de Zoli HA1AG

currently I0/HA1AG from Rome

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