[CQ-Contest] SO band change rules in WW?

Zoli Pitman HA1AG ha1ag at compuserve.com
Wed Sep 20 09:16:01 EDT 2000

Thanks for the dozens of responses.

My understanding was confirmed to be correct and there's no limitation for
band changes of any kind in the SO class. The only limit is the "1 signal at
any time" rule, which is impossible to check.

I see the tremendous opportunities, which can be derived from this, and the
requirements it sets against both the operator and the station therefore
conclude I should stick to contests like WAE or do M/S or SOSB in WWDX.

73 Zoli HA1AG

currently I0/HA1AG from Rome

> Hi guys,
> After M/M-ing in WWDX for a while I'm looking at SO for this year. I'm
> trying to interpret the CQ-WW rules and I got confused.
> As read on cqww.com the Single Op can change band whenever he/she wants.
> No limit was given for the frequency of band changes or for the time
> to be spent on a band before a non-mult can be worked on other bands.
> Do I interpret the rules correctly if I understand that a SO can change
> bands even in every minute even for non-mult QSOs ? Or is there something
> implicitly described what I missed ?
> Thanks, 73 de Zoli HA1AG

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