[CQ-Contest] Young people / the thrill is gone.

Maurizio Panicara i4jmy at iol.it
Thu Sep 21 00:36:20 EDT 2000

Basically, there is no straight relation between taking contesting less
seriously and having back enthusiasm, on me it would have just a negative
effect while for others with other kind of "inclinations" could be a key of
Experience say that "real" contesters need (will of) results to find out
motivations and if they don't get results finally they stop the contesting
activity and turn to some other activity like astronomy or stamps.
Contesting, like most of the human activities, requires that you take it
extremely seriously to succeed and among your words it's not diofficult to
perceive you've the aim for competition.
The point is not to mix up things and to deal with contesting at best when
it's the time to do it, may be concentrating efforts on fewer events or
doing something else (or going somewhere) than in the past.
I'd suggest you to concentrate more positively on what you could do better
(next time) instead of what you presume others shouldn't have done (in the
Personally, in the last 22 years I never found a contest in which I didn't
felt myself perfectible (hardware and strategy), included the times when I'm
the first in the list.
Very many things of this life seem impossible until one doesn't understand
he has to do something else than in the past to make those things to become

Mauri I4JMY

----- Original Message -----
From: "K9YO- Cedrick Johnson" <k9yo at ix.netcom.com>
To: "George Fremin III - K5TR" <geoiii at loja.kkn.net>; <k9yo at ix.netcom.com>;
<cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Young people / the thrill is gone.

>I'm just gonna stop taking ham radio so darn seriously,
> and I'm gonna enjoy the hobby.
> Maybe once I do that, and I realize the friendships formed by the
> "magic" of radio, will my enthusiasm be built up.
> 73's! and have a very nice day,
> Cedrick

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