[CQ-Contest] Sweepstakes

Dale L Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Fri Sep 22 18:03:16 EDT 2000

> they should include that information in
> the Soapbox area, where it does not create a problem with the actual log
> file line by line data.
> 73
> Dan Henderson, N1ND
> ARRL Contest Branch Manager
> >"listed separately in the 'Soapbox/Comments' section of an electronic
> >Cabrillo file submission."
> >
> >In other words, do not simply let your logging program produce your
> >Cabrillo log and send it in, thinking that your off times will be
> >computed.  You must list your off times before sending.

Thanks, Dan.

The complete phrase which the originator of the thread only partially quoted

"They should be listed separately in the "Soapbox/Comments" section of an
electronic Cabrillo file submission."

("they" being the on/off times)

The complete phrase is very different from the edited phrase.

Any lawyer and contracts person can tell you there is a big difference
between "shall" and "should".  In both cases (the ARRL SS Rules and Dan's
comments) cited, "should" is used.

dale, kg5u

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