[CQ-Contest] CC&R Category

Bill Fisher, W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Sun Sep 24 15:29:21 EDT 2000

At the NCCC Reno meeting the other night we heard a very interesting
presentation by Paul Schaffenberger, K5AF, on contesting from a wires only
station.  Out of this conversation came an interesting discussion about
how we can atrract more people to contesting. 

I believe there are a lot of potential competitors out there who are
living within these restrictions.  They are not getting in to contesting
because they read articles or emails about guys with multiple towers and
stacked mono band yagis, and figure what is the point.

So, I believe it would be a very good idea to include a category in the
all contests for people living under CC&R's.  Something that would read
like this...

CC&R Category Low Power & QRP - Stations must not be greater than 1 acre
in size and must be made up entirely of wire antennas or single element
commercial antennas such as multi-band verticals.  

or similar.

I can see all kinds of neat articles coming of this category featuring
innovative ideas and accomplishments from the participants.

As for you "We don't need more categories" types...  don't be so blind to
think that you will always have people to work in contests.  The future of
our hobby (contesting) depends on attracting new blood.  People living
under these restrictions are becoming common place.  We need to be
addressing the audience.  

I welcome your opinions.


Bill Fisher, W4AN

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