[CQ-Contest] Log checking procedure survey is up.

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Mon Sep 25 11:21:25 EDT 2000

Fellow conteters,

Pertinent to previous discussions about the penalty system in CQ contests, 
please visit the survey at:
and express your opinion. 

>>Current Survey Question
Present log checking procedures in CQ contests remove 3 additional QSOs as a 
penalty for each error found by log checkers. What would you prefer to see:
1.   Just remove bad QSOs, no penalties. 
2.   Apply one additional removed QSO penalty. 
3.   Leave it as it is, 3 QSO penalty. 
4.   Don't care. 

Again to underline the "problem" - it is not the question of "getting credit" 
for errors, it is the question of unjust penalizing (fines) for errors, 
mistakes and discrepancies made by the both sides of QSO or log checkers.

How would one feel if at the test of any kind, for each wrong answer, you 
would be penalized by taking out three other, good answers in order to "teach 
you" accuracy?
Doesn't make much sense there, but in ham radio it does?
Present system is not very friendly to newcomers and is inviting "revenge" by 
someone feeding the competitor bad UBN QSOs causing massive deductions.

Thanks for taking your time to participate, and let's see what majority of 
contesters think. (Looks like the contest committee already voted the 3rd 
option :-)
Thanks to Contesting.com for posting the survey.

73  Yuri, K3BU

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