[CQ-Contest] CC&R Category

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Mon Sep 25 17:29:49 EDT 2000

In a message dated 9/25/00 9:58:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
jskatz at sk.sympatico.ca writes:

> However, I would suggest that even
>  1 acre is very large for most of us. A city lot of say 75' x 150' might
>  be more realistic. In fact in many EU and other countries city lots of
>  this size are either rare and/or very expensive.

    How true. Even 75 x 150 is LARGE in many developments (that's 11,250 
square feet or about one-quarter of an acre). Building lots in this neck of 
the woods have gone from aobut 7200 sq.ft. 20 years ago to 4400 sq.ft. 
currently (1/10th of an acre). 

>  If the size of the lot
>  is restricted to say 75' x 150' (25m x 45m) then there may be no need to
>  put a restriction on the type of antenna since at most you might be able
>  to put up say a 50'-60' tower, a tribander or something similar and
>  perhaps a 2 el 40m yagi (it will just barely rotate with the lot size if
>  the tower is placed near the center of yard). If the power level is
>  restricted to 100w (and perhaps a QRP category) and since the antennas
>  are already restricted due to space then the ERP of competitors in this
>  category will be quite similar. The contest will be more related to
>  skill, geographical location and how inventive the operator can be in
>  constructing an antenna system under the space restrictions. I believe a
>  category of this nature would encourage more operators into contesting.

    I agree. While I had a tower and KT34A with 2L on 40M on a 7200 sq.ft. 
lot, I don't know if it was legit or not based on the CC&R's for the 
development. Nonetheless, I agree that a "Restricted" class is a great idea! 
It certainly makes it more fun when there's actually a class that you can 
compete (and win!) in. 

    Don't forget that almost none of the contest sponsers subscribe to or 
participate in this reflector so you're only talking to us participants in 
these discussions. Someone needs to put together a good proposal and take it 
to N8BJQ, K3EST, etc. directly.

Cheers,   Steve    K7LXC

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