[CQ-Contest] CC&R Category

Sylvan Katz jskatz at sk.sympatico.ca
Tue Sep 26 10:34:56 EDT 2000

> In other words - while the description of the station applies to a
> lot of people - how many of those are really trying to win a contest?

If  there was not a  100m or 200m category in track & field would you
think that sprinters were not serious runners?  I suspect it would be a
dangerous and probably inaccurate presumption. May be many ops are
serious but they simply feel  invisible because they do not have a
category in which to make their presence known. In my opinion if you only
think of some one with 100w and G5RV as simply "contest fodder for the
big guys" and "not serious" then you might be making coming to a
conclusion based on a distorted perspective.

 K7LXC, Steve made the following comment.

>  Don't forget that almost none of the contest sponsers subscribe to or
> participate in this reflector so you're only talking to us participants
> these discussions. Someone needs to put together a good proposal and
take it
> to N8BJQ, K3EST, etc. directly.


 How do we organize ourselves so that we can make a formal request as
Steve suggested?

73 .... Syl

Sylvan Katz
Saskatoon, Sask

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