[CQ-Contest] CC&R Category

Monte Stark ku7y at dri.edu
Tue Sep 26 09:24:27 EDT 2000

Hi All,

Interesting idea. And while you might never be able to
really get it "just right" I think it's worth doing.

Here's why I think that.

First we need to do what Tree talked about.....figure out
what kind of people we need to get into contesting and
how to do it.

I think that all the "class A" people that come into the
hobby will find contesting and become the next group of
top ten people. About all that needs to be done for them
is to let them know we are here. Most of those people can't
stay away from a chance to get into the thick of it.

The people we need to "work on" are the folks who are not
all that serious about winning. They like to set some
goals, work some new DX, improve their operating skills
and etc.

One of the things that is the most fun for me, and I'm
sure for many others too, is to try to out do a friend
who has about the same level of skills and hardware. Like
my dinner bet with Chuck, K7QO (ex K5FO) each CW SS. We
never come anywhere close to a top ten but we have a

If there is a way to make some of these less serious entries
able to "win" something from the contest sponsor, I think
it just might entice a little more activity.

After winning a "lower" class entry here and there, the
temtation to "move up" starts to take over. A handfull of
these will also become top ten people. It may take a long
time for them to get the kids raised before they can
invest (?) the money in a good location, antennas and etc
but some will.

(It only took me 45 years of hamming to get a single 85'
tower up!)  :-)  (And after about 3 years I sold it!)

The bottom line, IMHO, seems to be that the people who
will play in the "less than unlimited classes" will always
be the bulk of our scores and that anything we can do to
make it a little more fun for them winds up helping us.

For example, I LOVE the single band catagories of the WPX.
Those were the first USA wins I ever had and I still remember
them. Most were due to the fact that I was about the only
entry in that class but some really had nice scores and
some had several stations in that class. (All QRP entries)

Anyway, I think that it would be hard to have too many
catagories. Catagories can make it fun for a lot more

I don't understand why any "unlimited class" entry would
care how many "sub" classes there are. After all, the more
people on the air and in the contest, the higher the bit
scores can be!

And remember that contesting should be FUN. If more
catagories make it fun for more people, then I think we all


OK, back in my hole.....

73, Ron

.........KU7Y.....ARCI #8829.....Monte "Ron" Stark.....
....ku7y at qsl.net....SOC #2.......Nevada....NRA LIFE....
.....SOWP 5545M.......WHINERS #1........ZOMBIE #18.....
....Visit my Home Page.....http://www.qsl.net/ku7y/....

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