[CQ-Contest] Florida QSO Party

Georgek5kg at aol.com Georgek5kg at aol.com
Wed Apr 4 00:03:04 EDT 2001

Hello Everyone,

Don't forget the Florida QSO Party, April 28-29.  This QSO Party is sponsored
by the Florida Contest Group and promises to be bigger and better than ever.

We are expecting strong participation from every one of Florida's 67
counties, and a lot of mobiles will be out there to make it interesting.

The contest runs from Saturday, April 28, 1600Z-0159Z, April 29, and 1200Z -
2159Z April 29.  20 hours total, SSB and CW, 10 meters through 40 meters
only. All stations may operate the full 20 hours.

Here is where you can check out the rules and all the contest stats: <A 

Check out the DX and Stateside records and you will see that there are a lot
of records to be broken!  Why not get in there and try to make a place in
history for yourself?

Please spread the word to your local contest clubs and buddies.

73, George, K5KG

George I. Wagner, K5KG
941-312-9460 fax

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