[CQ-Contest] ONTARIO QSO PARTY - APRIL 21-22, 2001

Bob Chandler, VE3SRE ve3sre at compuserve.com
Sun Apr 8 01:52:02 EDT 2001

Hi all!

Just a reminder that the 5th Annual Ontario QSO Party will be taking place
on the weekend of April 21-22nd starting at 1800 UTC Saturday to 1800 UTC
on the Sunday.

Complete info including an MS-DOS logging programme, files that can be =
used with TR, NA, LOG-EQF, and SD are available at =

Its looking like we'll have activity from all 48 multiplier areas in 
Ontario this year.
There are at least seven "multi-county" mobiles in the works...and a Canadian
Island Award contest dxpedition to Manitoulin Island is being organized.

The contest is on both HF and VHF/UHF...if six meters opens up...there may
be some opportunities to work some of the scarcer Ontario grid squares too.

Hope to CU all on the air!


Bob Chandler, VE3SRE
OQP Contest Manager
ve3sre at rac.ca

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