[CQ-Contest] Backups

Dan Violette danki6x at pacbell.net
Thu Aug 9 10:18:09 EDT 2001

Someone missed Jim's smiley!!!  Jerry, you are correct except they are 
called CD-R (not CD-W).  Jim was kidding with the W maybe meaning Write 
Only.  Really they are write once and then Read Only.

Another issue that has been brought up and seems to be getting confused is 
the process of full HD backup.  As Leigh said, there are very few choices in 
full backup software to CDs (like you would backup to floppies, where is 
tells you to swap disks).  There is plenty of software for writing to a CD, 
but then you have to do it in 1 CD size at a time.  I know this subject is 
getting outside the "Contest" definition, but heavy use PCs goes with 
Contesters (and all of Amateur Radio) now.

Dan KI6X

-- Dan Violette : danki6x at pacbell.net --

----Original Message Follows----
From: Jerry Keller <dxdog at rcn.com>
To: jjreisert at alum.mit.edu
CC: CQ-Contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Backups
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 23:18:19 -0400

I know of two types of recordable CD's.... CD-W and CD-RW.   CD-W can be
written to one time and getting to be almost as cheap as dirt; CD-RW can be
re-recorded many times, and are somewhat more expensive.  Both can be read
only by drives and programs compatible with the drives/programs with which
they were recorded.  I use Roxio (used to be Adaptec) CD Creator 5.... works
like a charm to back up my entire hard drive contents on 6 CD-W's, which I
keep until the 2nd back-up and then discard. That way I have 2 overlapping
back-ups, one a little older than the most recent.  When I first manually
loaded everything onto my new hard drive it took many hours to get it set up
the way I wanted it.... and it took a real leap of faith to "test" the first
back-up set by formatting the drive and then restoring it with the back-up
CD's.... (Roxio even has you make a bootable floppy that allows you to boot
the empty hard disk, then takes you through the entire restoration
process.... worked OK for me, in fact quite straight-forward... but you will
have to make your own leap of faith, I can only relate how it worked for
Good luck,  Jerry K3MGT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Reisert" <ad1c at yahoo.com>
To: "Jerry Keller" <dxdog at rcn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Backups

 > Where do you get write-only CDs?  How do you restore data from them if 
 > can't read them?
 > :-)
 > --- Jerry Keller <dxdog at rcn.com> wrote:
 > >
 > > After a recent catastrophic hard drive breakdown, I now try to back-up
 > > entire hard drive periodically on CD-W. Takes 6 CD-W's but they are 
 > > 10 - 15 cents each these days.
 > > Jerry K3MGT
 > >
 > > ----- Original Message -----
 > > From: "Dean Norris" <dnorris at k7no.com>
 > > To: <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
 > > Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 9:32 AM
 > > Subject: [CQ-Contest] Backups
 > >
 > >
 > > >
 > > > Not necessarily a contest topic but applicable none-the-less.
 > > >
 > > > My question is ... What do the list users do for hard drive 
 > > > anything?
 > > > Thanks for the help.
 > > >
 > > > Dean
 > > >
 > > > ___________________________________________________________________
 > > > Visit www.k7no.com   Under construction but getting there.

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