[CQ-Contest] W4AN's Favorite Contest Mode

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Tue Aug 21 16:02:41 EDT 2001

W4AN wrote:
<Either way, I think you will have a hard time getting anyone to buy that
you are any more inconvenienced than anyone else by the occurance of a
contest on the TopBand, and somehow due more consideration.

       OK Bill...now I get it...we have a 160 Bandplan (actually "have had"
for years) which we expect everyone to honor...EXCEPT for SSB contests.  
Thanks for explaining that...I didn't realize you were such an SSB fan!  ;-)
        I'm not just a disgruntled 160 DX'er.  I love contests, won USA for 7
of the 8 I entered this year, but would like to see something done about a
serious problem which I feel is detrimental to contesting.  Sorry for saying
the CQ 160 SSB emperor has no clothes...obviously nobody wants to hear it!
It will be interesting to see how the CQ 160 Committee handles ARRL's request
to honor the 160 Bandplan in contests.  I hope they don't decide they are
above the plan which we expect others to follow...IMHO that sends a very 
elitist and negative message about an aspect of our hobby I otherwise love.

                                                73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S. to K4JRB...Dave, if DX stays below 1843 and listens above 1843 in the
SSB test, I GUARANTEE that more intercontinental DX will be worked by all
and it will be very obvious in the scores.  

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