[CQ-Contest] ARRL 10M Test Multi Op question -- mode changes/hour N1ND responds

ballen at bravoalpha.com ballen at bravoalpha.com
Wed Dec 12 10:04:08 EST 2001

Numerous people suggested I pose my question to N1ND, who 
just today responded:

At this time there is nothing in the rules for the 10 meter contest to
equate a mode change as a band change.  However, you may only 
have one transmitted signal at any time. 

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

Sorry, but they seemed to be having E-Mail problems and 
hadn't gotten my earlier mails.

73, Brooke N2BA

Original Post:

I see that ARRL only allows 6 band changes/hour in multi-
single in general. In the 10 meter contest, in a multi op, 
can we switch between CW and Phone as many times as we want, 
or is there also a limit?


Brooke, N2BA  ballen at bravoalpha.com

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