[CQ-Contest] What do SO2R guys do in 10m contest?

ballen at bravoalpha.com ballen at bravoalpha.com
Wed Dec 12 13:07:00 EST 2001


Two years ago in the CQWW I decided to do 10 meter single 
band low power after years as SO2R, multi-band, low power. 
For this same reason (one radio is now too boring) I decided 
to put up a spotting dipole, end-fire to my beams, about 120' 
away from the closest beam. I was able to listen as close as 
about 30 Khz from my transmitting signal with bearable noise, 
and about 80Khz away there would be no noise. I would say 
that my experience low power with two radios on the same band 
was probably more fun than I'd had in prior years with one 
radio high power.

This weekend we are going to try Multi-op single transmitter. 
We are going to try the same thing of a spotting antenna, and 
a crossover switch that will allow either the CW or Phone 
station to switch the spotting dipole with the amp/beams. 
This will be the first time I've attempted high-power on the 
same band here and we've got a few hundred Khz extra 
separation that I didn't have in CW only.

Let us know if you get 2 radios working on the same band!

73, Brooke N2BA

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