[CQ-Contest] Re: arrl10 meter contest

Doug Brandon n6rt at arrl.net
Mon Dec 17 11:35:18 EST 2001

 >Actually, when I made that statement, I was thinking more about the UA's.
 >Several years ago, I made 3500 qso's in the 10 meter contest, and did not
 >work one single UA! Now UA, *that's* Eastern Europe.
 >I wonder how many UA's W6EEN worked with his 6/6/6 at 1,2,3 wl?

I worked 8 UAs this year (and 8 URs) which is a lot for 10m, especially 
since most of them called me.  In every contest I can remember, we're lucky 
to get one or two UAs/URs on 10m and it's usually only the big guns.  My EU 
mult breakdown is shown below.  More surprising was working A61AJ and JY9NX!

By the way, the best (and quietest) antenna most of the weekend was the low 
6el at about 38'.

    73 de Doug, N6RT  (W6EEN op.)

5B  : 2        GM  : 7         ON  : 16
9A  : 9        GU  : 2         OY  : 1
A6  : 1        GW  : 3         OZ  : 2
CT  : 3        HA  : 23        PA  : 15
CT3 : 2        HB  : 9         S5  : 24
CU  : 1        HB0 : 1         SM  : 13
DL  : 73       IS  : 2         SP  : 11
EA  : 18       JY  : 1         SV  : 4
EA6 : 1        LA  : 2         T9  : 1
EA8 : 5        LX  : 1         TK  : 1
EI  : 2        LY  : 5         UA  : 8
ER  : 1        LZ  : 6         UA2 : 2
ES  : 2        OE  : 6         UR  : 8
EU  : 3        OH  : 7         YL  : 3
F   : 48       OK  : 47        YO  : 6
G   : 64       OM  : 13        YU  : 20

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