[CQ-Contest] Eu Sprint Autumn 2001 - CW

I2UIY i2uiy at cqww.com
Tue Dec 25 09:32:44 EST 2001

The EU Sprint Gang is proud to announce the Winners of the
2001 Eu Sprint Plaques

This was a new award for the 2001 European Sprint contests issued
to the three operators with the highest combined scores, having 
entered at least three of the four European Sprint contests in 2001.

Winners are:
#1 - Tautvydas Misiunas, LY2OX - 652 Points
#2 - Dmitri Gorshkov, UA2FB - 636 Points
#3 - Sergei Litvinov, UV5U - 577 Points

There are also certificates for the winners of each Sprint and the leading 
score from each country. Some places such as EA, SP and S5 that have 
lots of entries in the big contests like CQWW have not made many 
entries in the Sprint. Give it a try and you might win a certificate as the
top in your country! The more activity we get in the Sprints, the more 
fun there is for everybody!

Rules, full results, past scores and all time records can be seen at:
<http://loja.kkn.net/~i2uiy/>. The FREE Eu Sprint software can be
downloaded at this same address.

Season Greetings from the Eu Sprint Gang!


     Call           Name        Q's  20  40  80  
  1. LY1DS          DAN         199  47  74  78
  2. RW3FO          DIMA        192  49  68  75
  3. RZ3AZ          ALEX        187  55  66  66
     UT5UGR         DIM         187  52  71  64
  5. UA4FER         IGOR        185  46  61  78
  6. OG1F           TIMO        183  52  65  66
  7. LY2OX          TED         180  50  64  66
  8. RA3CW          ALEX        178  53  74  51
  9. UA3TU          ALEX        177  49  62  66
 10. UV5U           SERGE       174  49  66  59
 11. GM3POI         CLIVE       170  47  58  65
 12. UX7IA          SAM         165  47  60  58
 13. UA9CIR         MIKE        161  37  59  65
 14. IK4MTF         PET         158  37  51  70
 15. RK3BA          YURI        157  44  61  52
 16. OL4M           GEO         145  39  55  51
 17. UA2FB          ANDY        141  46  57  38
     Z32AF          VEN         141  34  49  58
 19. OK2ZC          LUDEK       140  40  54  46
 20. YL7A           PETER       138  43  51  44
 21. YO2DFA         OVID        136  38  48  50
 22. GW3NJW         CLIVE       135  20  52  63
 23. UA4CCG         TOLY        126  40  45  41
 24. RU6FA          ALEX        121  34  39  48
 25. YO9AGI         MIR         118  31  52  35
 26. IK2HKT         STEN        117  25  44  48
 27. GU3SQX         ED          115  22  48  45
 28. UY5TE          NICK        112  30  48  34
 29. G3RSD          JOHN        111  24  51  36
 30. UA1CEC         TONY        106  25  30  51
 31. OK2WTM         PETR        105  26  45  34
 32. UA3LPF         VLAD        102  28  42  32
 33. RN3AG          LARRY       100  29  52  19
 34. OK2EC          STEP         93   0  48  45
 35. SM7EH          GOSTA        87  19  38  30
     UR5EFJ         ROMAN        87  37  36  14
 37. YU7SF          LACI         84  32  30  22
 38. UA9OA          ALEX         83   6  20  57
     IN3FHE         INA          83   0  37  46
 40. EI7GY          JOE          69  11  33  25
 41. RK1NA          KON          64   8  25  31
 42. SM7BVO         ROLF         60   0  22  38
 43. G3VQO          LES          58  11  23  24
     UA4RC          VIC          58   0  19  39
 45. 8S0F           INGVAR       52   0   0  52
 46. RK6CM          KONS         50   0  38  12
 47. SM3X           LARS         35   0  10  25
 48. IK3WUZ         DOC          32   0   5  27
 49. SM4SX          PER          31   0   6  25
     UK8CK          SHAMS        31   0   0  31
 51. OZ0RS          RYAN         28   0   0  28
 52. UA1CIO         VLAD         22   0  22   0
 53. OK2FD          KAREL        21   0   0  21
 54. G4BUO          DAVE         16  16   0   0
 55. OM1AW          MINO          8   0   8   0
 56. UT4UYA         NICK          2   2   0   0


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