[CQ-Contest] Any experience contesting with small attic antennas?

Dale L Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Fri Dec 28 15:55:30 EST 2001

> All:
> Hello, I am new to contesting, and relatively new to Amateur Radio (abt
> 1.5 yrs).  I live in a townhouse with the usual antenna restrictions, so
> all my operating experience has involved experiments with a wide variety
> of antennas in my attic.  I entered the CQWW CW contest in the QRP
> category and had a great time, and found out where I need improvements.
> Just need to finish putting the log into Cabrillo format.  I would be
> interested in some offline email discussions with anyone who contests
> under similar antenna restrictions.  Thanks.
> Vic

Hi, Vic.

You are really making it hard on yourself, aren't you?  :-)

I used to own a house in a subdivision that had deed restrictions against
antennas ("no outside antennas are permitted.").

I had five dipoles in the attic.  The 40m dipole was a long Z, while 20, 15
and the two 10's were straight dipoles.  I used a heath remote coax switch
to handle the antenna switching.

The two 10's were about ten feet apart and at right angles to each other:
one broadside e-w; the other n-s.  They worked like champs.

I worked a 9V1 on 40m one afternoon longpath.  Another time in a contest, I
found a clear spot on the low end of 15m CW and called CQ.  JT0WA called me.
Unexpected things happened with that system.

I'd say go for it and have fun.  If you can, crank it up to 100w to lower
the bar a bit for you.  QRP and indoor antennas make for very frustrating

73 & HNY

dale, kg5u

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