[CQ-Contest] Stew Pery and Cabrillo

Tree N6TR tree at kkn.net
Mon Dec 31 15:11:43 EST 2001

There appears to be some confusion about Cabrillo and the Stew Perry.

This message is intended to clear that up.

1. Cabrillo is not required.

2. Cabrillo would be preferred - if you can.  

3. The robot that looks over your Cabrillo log had a few bugs in it, and they
have now been fixed.  If you were having problems submitting you Cabrillo
lot to tbdc at kkn.net, please try again now.

4. TR's POST program has been fixed so it can work with the robot.  A new version
will be sent to the update list tomorrow.

73 Tree N6TR
tree at kkn.net

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