[CQ-Contest] CQ-Contest] 160 Antenna for NAQP...

Larry Schimelpfenig k7sv at va.prestige.net
Mon Dec 31 16:29:40 EST 2001

IMHO, the inverted L is the way to go. I used a 40 meter double extended
zepp fed with 60 feet of ladder line going straight up a tree from the shack
as a top loaded vertical until the lot supporting one end was old. I went to
an inverted L with two elevated quarter wave radials about 8 feet off the
ground. The new antenna seems to do better with the local stuff and doesn't
appear to be any worse for the long haul.

Discussion with W8JI convinced me to make it about 30 feet longer than a
quarter wave and feed it with a series capacitor. It's working great. I
think you'll find it easy to work some mults beyond the ones you listed with
this antenna. I usually end up with a number of west coast Qs, running low
power and the Inv L from this Virginia qth in various contests.

73 de Larry K7SV

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