[CQ-Contest] multi band change rule

Bob Naumann - N5NJ n5nj at gte.net
Tue Feb 6 19:18:48 EST 2001

Interesting perspective Jim.

For multi-single, I think it should be doubled to 12.  The reason I
say this is that in most cases, a multi-single station will run on one
band and change bands to work a multiplier and go back to running on
the first station.  Every time they do this, they use up two band
changes to work one QSO.  So, you do this 3 times, and the guys not
running can watch TV.

For Multi-2, leave it as-is with each one allowed to make 6 changes
per hour.

Robert E. Naumann
N5NJ / V26O
N5NJ at arrl.net
Plano, TX  USA
ex KR2J, V26RN, W6V, WA2OVE
----- Original Message -----
From: <Jimk8mr at aol.com>
To: <JBaumgarte at aol.com>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 16:55
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] multi band change rule

 > In a message dated 2/6/01 11:23:58 AM Eastern Standard Time,
 > JBaumgarte at aol.com writes:
 >  >  As a CAC member, I believe that this is an item that slipped
through the
 >  >  cracks.  I don't recall any discussion about the application to
 >  >  M/S.  It might be something we should look at.
 >  >
 > As the inventor (I think) of the X band changes per hour concept (as
 > replacement for the 10-minute rule) I think you are correct that it
was never
 > specifically discussed for M/2, although I consider it a logical
decision to
 > have extended it to M/2.
 > My original suggestion was for a number of band changes greater than
 > something along the lines of what a moderately active single radio
 > assisted  guy might do.  I suspect that number is more like 20, but
 > studying of some such logs I think empirical evidence for a suitable
 > could be found.  But the political decision was made to make the
number six,
 > which in effect made it a ten-minute rule with a rubber clock.
 > What should be revisited, now that there have been several years of
 > experience, is whether that number six should be revised upward.
 > 73  -  Jim  K8MR
 > --
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