[CQ-Contest] Here's an Auto Fill Utility for WriteLog for the NCJ Sprint...

Gerry Hull windev at inetmarket.com
Sat Feb 10 14:34:36 EST 2001

Hi All,

I've whipped up a little external application for WriteLog that does
automatic fills on Name and QTH for
the NCJ Sprint.  It works just like WriteLog does, but it uses data from
previous contests.  It should
really help on rate for the first hour or so!

See the description/pictures at http://www.w1ve.com/NCJ%20Sprint/Autofill
or directly download the
installer at http://www.w1ve.com/NCJ%20Sprint/Autofill/autofill.zip.

It's freeware.  Enjoy, and I'll see you in the CW event tonight!


Gerry, W1VE
gerry at w1ve.com

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