[CQ-Contest] Quiet Monitors?

Bob Schreibmaier k3ph at dxis.monroe.pa.us
Sat Feb 10 15:01:08 EST 2001

I would like to replace my monitor.  Seems that the older
NEC monitors used to be very quiet, i.e., not cause all
kinds of birdies in the receiver.  Does anyone know if
the latest Accusync series is also quiet?  If not, any
recommendations?  Other than the TFT active matrix monitors,
which cost a fortune.



+------------------- \-\-\-\ ----------------------------+
| Bob Schreibmaier K3PH | E-mail: k3ph at dxis.monroe.pa.us |
| Kresgeville, PA 18333 | http://www.qsl.net/k3ph        |

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