[CQ-Contest] DX Holiday has moved

KEN SILVERMAN k2kw at prodigy.net
Sat Feb 10 19:51:15 EST 2001

DX Holiday, "The Ultimate DXpedition Resource", has moved to a new server.
DX Holiday is a site that lists QTHs around the world where people have
operated on DXpeditions, and provides information on how to contact the
owners.  There is information on Rent-a-QTHs, Ham Friendly Hotels, and Club
stations.  Please change your links to:  www.dxholiday.com.  The old  site
at http://pages.prodigy.net/k2kw/qthlist will be decommissioned in the near
future. The response and support for DX Holiday has been great, with new
locations and information coming in all the time.

In addition, the "Team Vertical" information on vertical antennas for
DXpeditions and past operations has been moved to my personal site at

Thanks for all the support!  Kenny K2KW

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