[CQ-Contest] RSGB 7 MHz DX Contest 24/25 Feb 2001

Lee Volante lee at g0mtn.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Feb 17 18:04:10 EST 2001


I'd like to remind you that the RSGB 7 MHz DX Contest is taking place next
weekend from 1500Z 24 Feb to 0900Z 25 February.

Frequency: 7000-7030   CW only.   Please do not solicit QSOs between

UK stations send RST-Serial-District Code
Overseas Stations send RST-Serial

Simple rules:
Single Op and Multi Op entries.

a) UK Open
b) UK Restricted (100w output / single element antenna max height 15m)
c) EU (inc. EI)
d) NA, SA, AF, AS
e) OC

Overseas stations can only work UK stations and vice versa.

Overseas stations in section c) score 5 pts / QSO, section d) score 15 pts /
QSO, and in section e) 30 pts / QSO.   Multipliers are the district codes.
Final score = QSO pts x no. of multipliers.

UK stations similarly score 5 pts / QSO for contacting stations in section
c)  15 pts / QSO for section d) and 30 pts for section e).   UK multipliers
are as per the General Rules (see the RSGB Contesting Guide or the website)

Please read the complete rules and the log entry details on the RSGB HFCC
website run by Justin G4TSH.  The address is:

73,  Lee G0MTN

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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