[CQ-Contest] Single op ASSISTED by the Internet
Jim White, K4OJ
k4oj at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Feb 27 16:10:06 EST 2001
KG5Unlimitedassistance wrote:
"Also, the acquisition of other, non-spotting, information, whether from the
Internet or other means, is not mentioned, so it must be okay....just as
long as it's not spotting information."
NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE...............
What happened to the operator versus the operator quest of contesting, taken
to the max ala WRTC?
If we allow everything except that which we disallow then the winner will be
the one with the most toys and not necessarily the best operator...
Single operator contesting should be radio. Assisted/Multi should include
using internet tools.
I really think Randy has this right, while I don't ALWAYS agree with him, on
this one I think he has nailed it.
Why - the gray cell rule - when you use internet propagation or spotting you
are including the mental output of another. Single operator should be that
one set of gray cells challenging another unassisted set of gray cells - the
battlefield: the spectrum on a contest weekend.
Radio/Antennas/Gray Cells versus Radios/Antennas/Gray Cells... simple!
Packet, and the internet have found a place within contesting, but NOT in
the single op category!
I use packet in multi-op operations, and it is an invaluable tool...I have
used the internet during a contest as well to track bad weather (I do live
in FL!), but it never would occur to me to do any of this sort of thing if I
were a single op entrant and I do not know if I am just a damned old fart
but how this could be seen as being okay in single op is beyond my ability
to view the stretched envelope.
Jim, K4OJ
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