[CQ-Contest] Higher VS Lower

Clive Whelan clive_whelan at btinternet.com
Fri Jan 12 00:43:19 EST 2001

Hi Rob

There is virtually nothing to be gained from operating from a
mountain top on HF, and the opposite may  be the case here in

We have little to no soil on our mountains in GW which does
nothing for ground reflection. Of course you need a good take
off, and avoiding the 1800 ft hills of Gwent is desirable as you
have found! Possibly the very best location will be an island
with salt water on all sides but that's hardly realistic. You
may well find that your present QTH is as good as anywhere.

I agree with your other respondent that doing the best you can
from your present QTH is the way to go. There is nothing like
having one of the weaker signals to develop your skills,
frustrating as though it can be at times.

Aim to improve with every contest entry, whether this be honing
your own skills or developing the effectiveness of your modest

Forget the chicken wire for your vertical, that's too much work.
If you really feel you need radials, bury a few now at a depth
of just a couple of inches in the lawn, so that when ( if?)
Spring arrives, the grass will quickly cover the scars, the XYL
need never know! Your HF6V will work just fine, mine does from a
hole in the ground to the South of you!

To be successful at contesting, you need to work hard and have
luck, and you may find that the harder you work, the more luck
you get. Oh yes there's another way to improve your placing with
low power- although you may not wish to hear this- , *use CW*.

And one last thing, don't bother much with loft antennae, their
only advantage is invisibility, but otherwise they will be poor
performers,however if needs must they *will* work. Concentrate
rather on unobtrusive vertical antennae, although on 80 and 160
you will need something better of course. If you can't get on
all bands do SOSB on say 10 or 15 while the sunspots last.




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