[CQ-Contest] W1AW/6: Awards for single mode, Operating Aids for IARU test

ken keeler kenkeeler at jazznut.com
Thu Jul 12 20:08:04 EDT 2001

By popular demand, we have added a new SINGLE MODE Certificate for operators
(CW-only & SSB-only). A single-mode certificate will be issued for working
W1AW/6 this weekend with the following requirements:
North American stations work W1AW/6 on 5 bands; or
non-North American stations work W1AW/6 on 4 bands
There is a special endorsement for working W1AW/6 all 6 bands (one mode).
The original multi-mode certificate is still in place, and we hope you try 
to do it!

Full details on our operation and awards, including some great tips by 
K2KW, and propagation info by N6BV, are at:  www.nccc.cc  Then follow the 
link to the W1AW/6 page.  There we have recently added more operating aids, 
including a List of HQ station Multipliers  (society abbreviations), by 
prefix.  We hope to add lists of HQ stations active in the three previous 
years, and direct links to zone lists by DX prefix and US states.  The 
latter two are also available at the IARU website.

Look for W1AW/6 near the following frequencies for USA/DX:
CW: 1818/1833; 3538/3508; 7038/7008; 14038; 21038; 28038
SSB: 1848; 3838/3798; 7238/7158; 14238/14158; 21338; 28338

N6RO, coordinator for W1AW/6.

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