[CQ-Contest] Contester's Rig Survey Now Complete

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Tue Jul 17 10:50:19 EDT 2001

In a message dated 7/16/01 5:15:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
ac6v at ix.netcom.com writes:

> Lists primary rigs and dream TCVR (if money were no object)

Based on radio's performance evaluation and features for contesters (out of 
those that I had chance to lay my hands on) the winners are:

1. Modified Icom IC781 with DSP 599ZX ("Signal One" mods, varactors, INRAD 
filters, RF diodes), big + is band scope

2. Modified Yaesu FT-1000D with DSP 599ZX (INRAD filters, RF diodes, other 
big + is dual crossband receiver

For second radio (if above not available):

For CW Modified TenTec Omni VI+ with combinations of TT and INRAD filters.
big + is flexibility in selecting filters, 3 cascaded filters

For SSB Kenwood TS870 Modified with INRAD filters
can be used with SM230 station monitor/band scope, great expedition, 
portable, remote control, mobile contest rig

Never had chance to use FT1000MPs, but based on the opinions of those who had 
1kD and 1kMP, 1kD wins in RF performance, while 1kMPs wins with pretty lights 
and more "features." IC 756PRO appears to be be good candidate, but I had no 
chance to play with it, so can't comment.

IMHO survey is as good as asking what car do you use? It will tell us what is 
the most popular or used car, but not which one is the best (regardless of 
cost). I bet Lamborghini would not top the list, while Ford Taurus might be 
"most popular."

Yuri, K3BU

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