[CQ-Contest] IG9A looking for operators

Fabio Grisafi IT9GSF fgrisafi at tin.it
Sun Jul 22 15:09:59 EDT 2001

This year the IG9A CQWW Multi Multi station operator group will be a =
multi national team.
We are looking for operators. We wish to have some JAs and Ws as well as =
some european hams
with us.
Each operator will work on a single band. We will have 3 operators for =
10 mts, 3 ops for 15 mts,
4 ops for 20 mts, 3 for 40 mts, 3 for 80 mts and two for 160 mts. We =
will have nine roulottes/stations on the same site and three of them =
will work multipliers with vertical antennas (located down on the =

Stations will be located on a crag on the north side of Lampedusa island =
about 70 meters above the
sea. All bands will have double antenna system, many beverages on 160/80 =
meters, power splitted on
different antennas/tower on 10, 15 and 20. 40 meters will use a 3 =
elements yagi.

Costs for operators will be in the order of US$400/500 plus bed (US$15 =
per bed per night).

Operators have to reach the island on Oct23rd if they are not involved =
in antenna building. They can leave the island on Oct30th.

Please contact IT9GSF for proposal e-mail: fgrisafi at tin.it

Station director is the Ragusa ARI President IT9EQO Antonello e-mail: =
it9eqo at tin.it

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