[CQ-Contest] Kudos to CQ WW for Busting Packet Cheaters!

andrew andrew at gi0nwg.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Jul 23 18:41:45 EDT 2001

In message <200107230033.f6N0XMc01370 at chmls20.mediaone.net>, Jim Reisert
AD1C <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu> writes
>On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 10:24:53 -0400, Jeff Maass wrote:
>>> I suspect the nail in the coffin is finding a busted call in someone's 
>>> log that corresponds to a packet bust.
>>> Barry
>>No, because someone else in the pile (who is using packet) could 
>>send the broken call as part of an exchange. 
>Doubtful.  I get into LOTS of packet pileups running M/M from KC1XX and
>I don't think I've EVER heard someone give the DX station's callsign as
>part of the exchange!
>73 - Jim AD1C


When operating from GI0KOW in the CQWW CW tests, I've heard this quite a
bit.  The guy will send an exchange something like 'GI0KOW 5NN5 BK'.
When running high rate, it is irritating and I feel like shouting out
loud 'I KNOW MY $%&*@% CALL'.  But then I think that he could be doing
it for the reason that somebody else is operating quite close to me and
he is just confirming who he is actually working.  In theory, this
should help the 'not-in-log' section of MY UBN report.  It also lets the
other guy know (who might not be able to hear me due to propagation)
that there is somebody else on the frequency.

I find it quite interesting to read my UBN report and look for the
stations who bust my call in the same way around the same time and then
check to see who is claiming to be unassisted!!  I admit that some could
be coincidence, but there are just too many like that for them all to be
coincidence.  And no, I won't name names as I could accuse one of the
real coincidences in the wrong.  They know who they are ;-)

Andrew Williamson GI0NWG / AC6WI
Homepage = http://www.gi0nwg.freeserve.co.uk/

One of the ZL9CI gang

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