[CQ-Contest] OH9A in IARU

Ari Korhonen ari.korhonen at kolumbus.fi
Tue Jun 12 16:21:42 EDT 2001


OH9A will be active in this year's IARU using the same kind of equipment as the WRTC2002 competitors will use next year (100w, wires. tribander). Operators are OH1EH and OH1MM. The log will be available from the WRTC2002 web site.

So, what do we expect? Well, maybe 1000 Q's if the condx are OK. Not much DX on the low bands, but some rate if 10/15 are open to EU...
Anyway, it'll be a nice change of pace, forget the stacks for awhile!

73 Ari, OH1EH

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