[CQ-Contest] Pileup Tapes

JACK w1wef at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 14 17:46:17 EDT 2001

Don't knock 'em if you've never tried 'em. I enjoy doing the Kansas City
Pileup every year at Dayton...even though I dont do as well as I'd like
to think I should! The tapes put together by N0SS are an excellent
simulation of the real thing. The only real difference from being on the
air is I can't set all receive parameters as I can at home, other than
the volume.   I don't have any idea however if the tapes used in
Slovenia were as realistic as those done by Tom, N0SS, who has been
making them for years. As for being a part of WRTC...it's easier to make
all things equal in a pileup tape competition than to make equal
stations, all with the same transceivers, sharing the same antennas in
the same location...JACK W1WEF

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