[CQ-Contest] Pileup Tapes

Ranko Boca - K3ZAX yt6a at cg.yu
Sun Jun 17 08:08:29 EDT 2001

Hello to all,

I just upload my new web page www.yt6a.com. You can find all about my new
Contest site. Remote control of Contest site will be also on WEB. WEB will
be finish in next 30 days and will have all DX/Contest information and
links. Sorry for the two languages mixed at the moment. Very soon all will
be on two languages.

SKY Contest Club Page has be moved also on www.yt6a.com . WEB will be change
in next month, with new information and pictures of all members, CQ WW teams
activities in Y2K etc.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me about any comments, suggestions and
please send information and pictures from your stations and future plans and


Ranko - YT6A

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