[CQ-Contest] Andrews 1/4" Heliax for HF?

Marty Tippin martyt at pobox.com
Sat Jun 16 13:16:15 EDT 2001

Wondering if anyone is using Andrews 1/4" Heliax (FSJ1-50A) to feed an HF 
antenna. I'm running a very modest station - 1kW max to a tribander on my 
roof, so nothing too fancy or too far (feedline is about 75 ft max).

I acquired a bunch of it and was thinking of replacing my old RG-8 with it 
-- from the specifications 
(http://www.andrew.com/PRODUCTS/basestation/heliax/50gphpfr.asp), it seems 
that it'll easily handle the legal limit and has about .4dB less 
attenuation at 30MHz than RG-8, RG-213, etc.

And as an extra bonus, it's easy to install a standard UHF connector by 
using a UG-176 (or is it 175) reducer, soldered directly to the outer 
copper shell of the coax.

Is there any reason I *wouldn't* want to use this stuff?


-Marty NW0L
  martyt at pobox.com

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