[CQ-Contest] The best QSOs/hour on SSB/CW

Mr. Mecseri loumecseri at bestnetpc.com
Tue Jun 26 19:27:19 EDT 2001

Hmmmm 7.5 seconds/Qso? 

I am very far from such rate.


Lou  KE1F / ZF2LM

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Chris Tran GM3WOJ <gm3woj at talk21.com>
To: <pfkski at vail.net>
Cc: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] The best QSOs/hour on SSB/CW

> Hello Phil et al
> I posted a query about this maybe a year ago.
> The August 1980 issue of '73' magazine (the only
> copy of this magazine I own!) tells the story of
> VP2KC in CQ WW Phone October 1979, when they
> set a new world record score of 37.7 million points.
> The operator mentioned is Masa JA3ODC, who
> the article says "Masa at his peak was running 480!"
> (Qs/hr) - I take this to mean that if he had a ratemeter
> (I think they were using paper logs but I maybe wrong)
> it would have peaked at 480 Qs/hr. - i.e. he did not
> necessarily work 480 stations in a one-hour period.
> I think the current record for SSB QSOs/hour belongs to
> Jeff N5TJ operating as P40L (Multi-Single) in CQ WW
> Phone 1993, when Jeff worked 457 stations in a
> 1-hour period.
> 73
> Chris    GM3WOJ/GM7V
> www.qsl.net/gm3woj/
> --
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