[CQ-Contest] Don't repeat my STUPID mistake!

TOMK5RC at aol.com TOMK5RC at aol.com
Wed May 30 15:00:02 EDT 2001

Thanks to the joys of the internet, I now perform the time sync automatically
before each contest. Check out

You can download a program that automatically updates your computer clock.

Tom, K5RC
aka NV7A

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

>From Marijan Miletic" <Marijan at Miletic.net  Wed May 30 20:22:22 2001
From: Marijan Miletic" <Marijan at Miletic.net (Marijan Miletic)
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 19:22:22 -0000
Subject: [CQ-Contest] MP clicks
References: <200105291537.f4TFb8V10777 at paris.akorn.net>
Message-ID: <007701c0e93f$e63f6660$2c48fea9 at pentium>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji at contesting.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>; "Marijan Miletic" <Marijan at Miletic.net>
Sent: 29. maj 2001 15:35
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] MP clicks

 > > Apart from frequency distance, we can always slow down the CW speed but
 > > the opposite is often the case with PC contest code generation...
 > >
 > > 73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU
 > Slowing the CW does not reduce the bandwidth in typical
 > operation. Changing CW speed can change the spacing of
 > sidebands and the number of clicks per second, but not the overall
 > bandwidth of transmitter clicks.

Longer CW signal with short shaping will put considerably more energy into the
carrier as compared to the sidebands and we are using peak power limited

 > Bandwidth is a function of waveshape and other issues (like a
 > stable VCO frequency). Bandwidth (related to rise and fall times)
 > can limit the maximum speed.

Shanon law is surely valid.  Unstable VCO will mainly show up as a noisy

 > The 1995 Handbook, in section 12.12, goes into this in some detail
 > on this. Look at the rise and fall times and maximum CW speed. I
 > use about 7 mS in my rigs. What do you think you need?
 > 73, Tom W8JI
 > W8JI at contesting.com

My references come from the professional literature and work on DSP windowing.
7 ms is OK for very slow Morse code, 2 ms just about right for 20 ms contest

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU

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