[CQ-Contest] Lets change phonetics - A Challenge...

Tim Makins, EI8IC ei8ic at eircom.net
Thu Nov 1 07:40:18 EST 2001

You've all heard me moaning about ECHO, so I won't again. I remember an
article in the British mag 'Radcom' about twenty years ago suggesting a
contest where all participants used the 'Aggle' series of phonetics:
A=Aggle, B=Baggle, C=Caggle, D=Daggle, E=Eaggle, F=Faggle, G=Gaggle, etc.

Give it a try with your own callsign - could be memorable !! <smile>

But after a lot of thought, one thing that appears is that the best phonetic
to use is one that the person on the receiving end understands instantly. No
dissenters to that statement, probably, so the question is, what might it

If some linguists out there, in the major contester-use languages, such as
French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, German, Swedish, Finnish etc. (no flames
if I missed yours please) could come up with a list of 26 words that they
understand, and that can be pronounced by the rest of the world, and that
are sensible, not rude, etc., then they could be published in table-format
and used as a handy guide for when conditions are bad.

Imagine knowing that for Australian speakers, the best word for 'B' would be
Barbeque, then you'd just consult your list when they were having
difficulties hearing you, and know what word would work best.

I can host such a list on my website, so if anyone wants to send in a list
from their language, I'll see about adding it to a table.

73s Tim EI8IC

>  ----- Original Message -----
> from: "John Geiger" <johngeig at yahoo.com>
> To: <contest at qth.net>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>; <dx at qth.net>
> Sent: 31 October 2001 17:22
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Lets change phonetics
> During the CQWW SSB contest this past weekend, I was
> again reminded of how much I hate phone contests
> because I have a 0 call.  It seems like about every
> third dx station here the 0 as Kilo, and says
> "November Echo Kilo Papa, what is the number in your
> call."  This gets old after a while.  As I see it, my
> options are:
> 4. Enlist the aid of the ham community to start a
> petition officially changing the phonetics for K to
> something less confusing than Kilo.  THis is the route
> I have decided to take, and could use your assistance.

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