[CQ-Contest] Re: [Dx] Lets change phonetics

Cormac J. Gebruers c.gebruers at oceanfree.net
Fri Nov 2 07:33:49 EST 2001

I'm going to make myself dreadfully unpopular...however in the spirit of
always speaking my mind :o)

Maybe people just aren't listening anymore...

Receivers are better than they have ever been - with DSP, slope tune filters
etc.etc.etc. Granted the bands are busier and qrm is higher but I would
suggest that receiver technology has the edge over these factors...

Maybe we need to pay less attention to the computers, pre-compiled lists of
stations we expect to be on the air, packet clusters, what we think we
should be hearing etc. and actually listen a bit harder...

Anyone who works DX and/or contests regularly will perhaps agree how few
stations calling CQ seem to listen out for, or even try to work weaker

As an old R/O once said to me - the art of radio boils down to one thing -
listening. That requires an ability to concentrate - something that seems to
be in shorter and shorter supply these days ;o)

73 & good Contesting
Cormac, EI4HQ

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